
Monday, March 9, 2015

Death and A best friend

Growing up, you never really appreciate the things you have. It isn't until we lose those things that we ever truly wish we had spent more time with it. The same goes for family. We know we love them, and they help us when they can, but it's not until they leave us are we sad. I say this because this past week, my cousin died at the age of 43. He had been struggling for a few years now with health issues, and his body just wasn't strong enough. I didn't have many memories with him, me being only 19 and him an older person, but it tore through my family. It pained my uncle most, because to him my cousin was like another brother. My mother, who grew up along side of him, cried for hours. My grandmother, my nana, who helped raise that young man into an amazing adult, couldn't bare to see him in any way but alive.

What we don't realize is that death is not an end. Though their physical bodies are cold, their soul travels. No matter the religion, we all have our own ideas on what happens after death. So, why then do we cry when someone we love passes on?

Because they are no longer there to share physical life with us. They won't be there to drink that last drink, or dance at the club, or take a trip to some far off state. They are gone, and we feel that absence. 

Being at that funeral made me think, how would I feel if one of my best friends died. Then I began to think on who my true friends were. Who, in all of my life, have I chilled with and made a complete fool of myself, and was never bothered because they did the same thing too? 
They answer was simple. My best friend is the girl I've only known for 5 year. She is the girl who will answer my phone call and ask what I need, and will drop everything she is doing to see what happened. She is the girl who once barged into Krystals to demand her cheese be melted. then opened it and saw that it had melted while she was ranting. She is the girl who, when the world is against me, looks me right in the eyes and makes me a better person. She cheers me up, and she is the girl that no matter where in life I go, I will always keep her beside me. 

I met Morgan on March 5, 2010. We went to see the Alice in wonderland Movie that had just come out. Her first ever words to me, were Purple Pervert. I knew right then that I liked her. Shortly after we dated for a month before we both agreed to break it off. A few months later she began to date another friend of mine, and we would all hang out. It was then that me and her really set down and talked. We would talk for hours afterwards. 

Even to this day, after all that has gone wrong in our lives, and after all has gone right, we still keep in touch and talk. Sure we've expanded our friendships. we both have mutual friends, but we talk once a week. When the moment strikes us, we will skype for hours about nothing. 

So here is to the greatest friend on my side, and to a new life in the after life.

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